Software Development-Integration


MindPuzzle uses development ,intergration and software support  as “ key pillars design “, oriented in our client’s special needs.

We aim at promoting our customers’ ideas into products and services.
Νothing can be improved unless a great compact will be arranged in order to fulfill any kind of project , huge or tiny.


We focused on protecting our customer in every stage of the project, having control of the productivity of the groups involved, giving the chance of flexibility revisions and additions and preventing  economic slipping and exceeded the initial budget.
We propose the use of modern tools to monitor all phases of a project (regardless of size), providing to the stakeholders, the option to review with screenshots the work in progress.

We enrich our ideas with cutting- edge technology, using the Microsoft,NET Framework and Microsoft Visual Studio combined with components, libraries and framework for DevExpress, ComponentOne, RedGate, DevArt, ActiveDB Soft, LogicNP, Newton Corporation etc. yielding outset longer life cycle of the product / service.
MindPuzzle always uses the latest stable version of its component,taking the whole responsibility of the financial obligations to manufacturers without overheading the customer

Social Media

Find us on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin


Our offices are located on:

Filopoimenos 8 Str. 16345, Ilioupoli, Athens - Greece


For more information feel free to contact us at any time.

(0030) 6947325525